The whole point of having a website is to help people find you in order to buy your product or service. Below are eight marketing techniques to help you increase your online traffic by staying active in the online world.


  1. Trade Banners. Find a company that also sells products or services in your market. Contact them to trade a banner ad with them. You can promote their website and they will promote yours.


  1. Start Blogging. Blogging keeps your content moving and helps Google see that your site is active. A stagnant site is one that never changes and has no new content. A blog will be a great way to offer information, advice and experience to the people who are looking for it. With active and moving content, it will be much easier to get high rankings in the major search engines.


  1. Combine Photos and Text. People like different types of graphics or photos on a blog post. The way to make the photo optimized online is to add text to the photo. This allows search engines to “read” the picture and add it to relevant content on your page. Your photo can be both an eye pleaser and a traffic-driving tool.


  1. Guest Post. Write blog posts for other people’s blogs that are in your industry. While doing so, have a link back to your website. This will make both of you look good.


  1. Reply to Comments. On any blog post, you could have people reply with comments about the post. Respond to them. Do it in a thoughtful manner where the reader knows that you appreciate them taking the time to read your content. Your responses are public, so be mindful of your words used so that they can’t be misinterpreted.


  1. Participate in Industry Talk. Whether it is on industry online forums, blogs, or social media sites, make your presence known. Comment on blog posts about your reaction, add valuable information to online forums, and connect with your customers or industry related folks on twitter and Facebook.


  1. Utilize Twitter. Send out tweets on Twitter that are encouraging, informational, or funny. This could be thanking an influencer, or contributing a valuable piece of information. Hashtags and @mentions are everything on Twitter. So know who and what you are connecting yourself with when you use them—but they must be used in order to be seen.


  1. Facebook Posting. Facebook is where just about everyone is anyway, so you might as well join the crowd if you want to be heard. Facebook posts can be a great way to get your name out to people. Connecting your business info and website to your Facebook page will help people get to your actual site and see your products.